Accessing the iTunes File Sharing panel

All Categories / Adding Files, General Troubleshooting, Getting Started, Sharing

macOS 10.15 or later

With macOS 10.15, Apple restructured iTunes and split up its functionality into several different apps: Apple’s File Sharing panel can now be accessed directly through Finder.

Warning: Apple’s File Sharing panel in macOS 10.15 does not prompt you when you attempt to add a file with the same name as an existing file. Instead, it permanently overwrites the app’s copy with the computer’s copy and this cannot be undone. We do not recommend using Apple’s File Sharing panel at this time.

  • Connect your iOS/iPadOS device to your computer
  • Open a new Finder window on your computer and select your iOS/iPadOS device in the sidebar
  • Select the “Files” tab
  • Find forScore in the list of apps and click the arrow button just to the left of its icon to reveal its documents list

forScore Backup Utility (recommended)

As of October 2019, Apple’s file sharing interface within Finder lacks basic functionality like the ability to select multiple files, so we created our own version and built it into our free Mac app called forScore Backup Utility which includes all of the same features as Apple’s version and more. We strongly encourage users to take advantage of this app rather than use Apple’s incomplete interface.

  • Download and launch forScore Backup utility on your Mac running macOS 10.14 or later
  • Connect your iOS/iPadOS device to your computer
  • Launch forScore (version 11.1 or later), tap to show the navigation bar if necessary
  • Tap the toolbox icon in the top right-hand corner and choose “backup” from the list
  • On your Mac, click the “File Sharing” button when it appears in the main window

Windows, macOS 10.14 or earlier

With macOS 10.14 or earlier, or with all versions of Windows, File Sharing is built into iTunes and the interface varies based on which version is currently installed. Use the instructions below that correspond to your version of iTunes to access the File Sharing panel and forScore’s documents.

iTunes 12.7 or later

  • Connect your iOS/iPadOS device to your computer
  • Open iTunes on your computer
  • Click the small device icon in the upper left corner, next to the library drop-down menu
  • Click the “File Sharing” item that appears in the left sidebar under Settings
  • Choose forScore from the list of apps to see a panel on the right showing all of forScore’s documents

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